Debunking myths about federal tax refunds
- August 31st, 2022
Once taxpayers file their federal tax returns, they’re eager for details about their refund. When it comes to refunds, there are several common myths that can mislead taxpayers.
Myth: Calling the IRS, tax software provider, or a tax professional will provide a more accurate refund date
Many people think talking to the IRS, tax software provider or their tax professional is the best way to find out when they will get their refund. The best way to check the status of a refund is online through the Where’s My Refund? tool or the IRS2Go app.
Taxpayers can call the automated refund hotline at 800-829-1954. This hotline has the same information as Where’s My Refund? and IRS telephone assistors. There is no need to call the IRS unless Where’s My Refund? says to do so.
Myth: Ordering a tax transcript is a secret way to get a refund date
Doing so will not help taxpayers find out when they will get their refund. Where’s My Refund? tells the taxpayer their tax return has been received and if the IRS has approved or sent the refund.
Myth: Where’s My Refund? must be wrong because there’s no deposit date yet
Updates to Where’s My Refund? on both and the IRS2Go mobile app are made once a day, usually overnight. Even though the IRS issues most refunds within 21 days, it’s possible a refund may take longer. If the IRS needs more information to process a tax return, the agency will contact the taxpayer by mail. Taxpayers should also consider the time it takes for the banks to post the refund to the taxpayer’s account. People waiting for a refund in the mail should plan for the time it takes a check to arrive.
Myth: Where’s My Refund? must be wrong because a refund amount is less than expected
There are several factors that could cause a tax refund to be less than expected. The IRS will mail the taxpayer a letter of explanation if these adjustments are made. Some taxpayers may also receive a letter from the Department of Treasury’s Bureau of the Fiscal Service if their refund was reduced to offset certain financial obligations. Before calling, check Where’s My Refund or wait for the letter to understand why the change was made. This can help taxpayers know how to respond, if necessary.
Myth: Getting a refund this year means there’s no need to adjust withholding for 2022
To help avoid a surprise next year, taxpayers should make changes now to prepare for next year. One way to do this is to adjust their tax withholding with their employer. The Tax Withholding Estimator tool can help taxpayers determine if their employer is withholding the right amount. Taxpayers who experience a life event like marriage, divorce, birth of a child, an adoption or are no longer able to claim a person as a dependent are encouraged to check their withholding. Taxpayers can use the results from the Tax Withholding Estimator to complete and submit a new Form W-4, Employee’s Withholding Certificate, to their employer as soon as possible. Withholding takes place throughout the year, so it’s better to take this step as soon as possible.